
Monday, 15 April 2013


Today is the 31st  birthday of my daughter Christina Rose.NNNNNNeweeee

As I did with the birthday of my daughters Eleanor and Eliza, I would like to record the events , my thoughts and memories of her birth.
Thus I will be creating a record for them all... my dearest daughters.

Following the death of Eleanor just 16mths earlier, another pregnancy was always going to be filled with some apprehension.
Ray and I had been to talk with a Dr Grant in Cambridge re the statistics and any information re Spina Bifida.She was doing research into chemicals affecting the foetus. At that time it appeared that people working in the hairdressing business had an abnormally higher incidence of babies being born with Spina Bifida than people working elsewhere. There was also a peak of people working with chemicals generally and those living down-wind of chemical factories. We discussed not only our information with her, for her research but she also gave us quick access to a geneticist at Addenbrooks.
We saw the geneticist and he explained the probabilities of having a second child affected. Apparently there s a higher incidence in boys, but they are not as
adversely effected.
(Of course it must be said here that this was the state of the research then, 31yrs on the scene has changed dramatically).
So Ray and I decided that we would have a third child. We wereadvised to follow a new protocol concerning the taking of Folic acid  for 3 mths prior to trying to conceive. (Now this is the absolute norm, but it was cutting edge  at that time.In fact I could only get Folic acid tablets on prescription.)
That year we went to camping in France as always. We had a trailer tent and headed down to the south, Beziers. We overnighted in the Beaune region and had a wonderful meal. (Liza had her usual of, Omelette and Frites!). We drank gallons of the local red wine served chilled. We loved the site, the restaurant and the wine and thus decided to make exactly the same stop on the return journey.
Our stay in Beziers was hot and wonderful. It was the year of the wedding of Diana and Charles. A TV was put up in a large garage-type building on the campsite. I remember three highlights. The crumpled dress, watching through a broken window balanced on rocks, and sunburned shoulders from standing in the same position too long ! (Ray and Liza made sandcastles and swam!)
At the end of the lovely holiday we arrived back at the campsite in Beaune.... and that’s when I knew I was pregnant. One mouthful of the delicious wine and I gagged! One look at my plat crudities, and I left!!! I sat in the car whilst Ray, ate two meals !! And, a bewildered, Liza her Omelette frites!!!!

So at home I had a pregnancy test. Things had moved forward (still no Clear Blue line things ) but at least the Dr would test a sample and it only took 3 days to be returned. But I knew. My need, as with all my pregnancies, for coffee milkshakes,was insatiable !!!

When I had to book in at Mill Rd,Cambridge,  they indicated that I would be with Mr Edwards again as my consultant. I refused explaining that whilst I may have accepted his reasoning not to give me an amniocentesis when I had asked for one with my last pregnancy, (I had always felt things weren’t quite right, the way she moved, lateness of moving etc). I would not be under his care again. I was changed to Mr Milton.
Until I was way-on in the pregnancy, I told no one, but my friends guessed as I soon stopped wearing jeans, (no waist expanders in those days) !
It was decided I would have an amniocentesis for this third pregnancy, and I forget how many weeks I had to be, but I do remember there was a very long wait before the results were ready, probably three.
For the amniocentesis I was taken down lots of long corridors to a small scruffy room. There, there was a massive , ?? Scanning?? Machine. Bizarrely the Dr placed a 5p piece on my bump and it made a visible track, down which he could see to insert the needle, assuring me that it was amazing how quickly the foetus wriggles away !!!!
Ray and I were told together at the anti natal clinic that our baby did not appear to have Spina Bifida, but that they couldn’t be certain about the Hydrocephaly , and , (best of all!!),that she was a girl.

At that point, we told all our friends officially that we were to have another baby , but we kept the gender a secret. My parents were told, of course, that I was pregnant, but they didn’t tell anyone. They felt the birth and death of Eleanor, was a slur on the family and in actual fact didn’t ever see her. They only came to her funeral as I said they ought to.

The name quest began! I didn’t ever want to name my children by any name of a child I had ever taught. My short list was of two: Christina, (after Christina Rosetti), and Gabriella. Ray didn’t like Gabriella but was Ok about Christina. His thought, if I remember rightly, was Jean, Well, whatever it was, I did dismiss it, as it didn’t have enough style for my liking!! So Christina was decided upon and Rose for a middle name. (My middle name, and Eleanor’s too).

So it was by now Christmas Eve. I went by myself to have the scan, to see if our baby had hydrocephaly. The consultant looked and looked. It was the last week I could have a termination. He couldn’t be certain that there was no fluid. (Now a-days a shunt can be put in in-utero, but not then). Eventually he said ,well if you were my wife we would take the risk and go ahead!
I did. 
But what a decision to make on my own.

Easter came and went and Christina was very due. It was Tuesday 14th and I went to antenatal. The baby’s heart rate was monitored. What a lovely straight line I thought. A straight line, this is not good, the nurses said, echoed by the Dr.  I had to go home, get bag and husband and go straight back in.
I rang Ray at work in Welwyn Garden City. He came home. It was a sunny day and I had my best, blue flowered, Laura Ashley dress on, no coat. Marjorie took it off me, washed, dried and ironed it and I was set fresh to go by the time Ray got home. Liza was with her Auntie Marjorie and very happy.
I well remember the labour. Long as ever ,until a drip was set up. I was determined not to have a catheter and made myself go to the loo every hour on the hour. They said they had never seen such discipline. I was determined never to have another catheter in my life !!! (And look where that has got me, but this is Chrissies story, so enough of my present problems!!).
As deliveries go, I was aided by a new piece of equipment... a foam wedge to go behind my back!! New technology, first time used in Mill Rd!!!  And, loathing gas and air had some Pethidine. Good stuff that!
Baby Christina was finally , and safely, delivered at seven minutes to six, just in time for the news !!!  On Thursday 15th April 1982.
She was checked sooooo thoroughly by the paediatrician, and the whole hospital staff seemed to know about us, and came to offer their congratulations. From my delighted, hazy, state I welcomed them all, but barely let go of my baby.

When back in a ward and Ray having rung parents etc ( from a call box!), he told me two bits off the news: Arthur Lowe (Captain Mainwaring  had died), the Falklands war was still rumbling on. 
And one bit of very personal news, which shook me. Ray said. I’m not being made redundant but we have to move.... to Middlesbrough. (I had never been further north than Manchester, and that was only for a short interview, which I declined.) I was shocked. I don’t ever think I quite got over that news, leaving the friends that had supported me through the death and grief following, Eleanor. It was a hard blow.
But at 6 weeks (I had made a gown) Christina Rose was baptised, and at 7 weeks we set off north to find somewhere to live.
Times were not easy but I was delighted with baby Chrissie, Little Dizz as she came to be known. I cuddled her endlessly, consequently, she took ages to even bother to crawl, and then it was a bottom shuffle!! And even longer before walking and talking !!

Little Dizz, is lovely to this day and still my baby , even if she is 31 today.
Special hugs to you,  Lovely Christina Rose , Mum XXXXX

Baby Chrissie with doggy.

Baby Chrissie , Liza and Ray


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