
Wednesday, 19 June 2013


OK , It has been weeks since I last Blogged.
A big thank you to all those who kindly contacted me to check if I was OK.

I am OK, but the MND is marching on and I simply don't seem to have had time to fit in this writing. Shame I hear you say !!!, well some of you.

Re my Blog.... I had built up a good set of daily readers and this has definitely diminished. So please do tell your friends that I am back.

Such a lot has happened. and so here is my news in brief..

The very, very. best thing is, that, I am having a new wheelchair... I have a benefactor... and I am sure s/he would not wish me to go into the detail. (I shall refer to my benefactor from now on as he , as its less to type !)In fact he is not actually buying the wheel chair, (£7,500).My benefactor is buying one of my paintings! I have to send images and sizes of some and he will choose....

Perhaps this one?

Or this one... it's very large.....

This person also collects art. So if he hangs my work, it will be alongside prestigious artist !!
How wonderful is that? I feel so very fortunate.

The chair is ordered and should arrive in 4/5 weeks time.
Its purple... I'll say no more, but, be sure when it arrives you will be inundated with photos!

As for my health...., I'm being measured for a collar next Tuesday and should be going into Hx Hospital soon to have my oxygen levels measured overnight. I also have the first appointment with the gastroenterologist re a PEG, ( feeding tube).

So you can gather for yourself how my health is.

Other BIG  news is that ,
I am going to Glasto ! More tomorrow !

Oh and the title., Muesli is off,the menu.. I had a major choking issue yesterday and struggled to breathe for ages.. then started shaking with the shock. There are other things that I have found I can't eat either lettuce, crispy bacon and a few other things.

Ive tried pink hair (but it washed out), and I bought an ice-cream maker. Wow, how lovely is the ice cream... and good,......... just the pure ingredients that I know have but in.

My care plan eventually came into being.. the transfer from the emergency team to the Scope team has been difficult. Getting to know new people and having more freedom as I have support , and can , for example , have a coffee whenever I wish, or go to the bathroom.
It's sort of like being let out of prison.

So that is a short version of my life in the last three weeks. I'm sorry the detail is missing but I will write more fluently in future.


1 comment:

  1. Purple wheelchair....yay!!!! Glasto....keep my fingers crossed for good weather. Take care...hugs Linda xx
