
Thursday, 5 July 2012


Tonight I've been watching the NBC tv program on old age. One of the people said ..I'm resigned to being here...referring to being in a residential home. I feel that, at the moment, I'm simply not resigned! I shall fight for my independence all the way! Today I had a rise and recline chair assessment. Mike, the assessor was brilliant and soon(!) I shallhaveachairthat supports me properly. At the moment the chair I have gives so little support that the physio,Michaela, has to come to stretch my back and neck muscles as they ache from suchbadsupport. But the really good it about this assessment is that I will be able to choose the colour." Yey , I think a dark grey willbe great. My carpet is pale grey and sofa bright pink,so it will look really swish! Tonight I had a potential disaster... I was putting a cold tray back into the hot oven. I fell into the oven.thank goodness the tray I was holding was cold as I landed on it and thus was ok! I so look forward to the kitchen in the bungalow which will have low level appliances, so this I will be safe. Oncee again I apologise for spelling and punctuation errors. I'm writing this on my iPad... Tomorrow or sat I collect my new computer so all should be well once again!! HUG ME,I'VE GOT MND

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