So what are my recent events under these three headings? ... today is not a day to be negative... the Christmas season starts for me on Dec 1st !
Amazingly joyous happening this week. I had found some recordings my dad had made . One was dated 1948 and the two other 78's earlier than that date. I know because the discs were of the type with a metal interior. Eventually. I sent them off to (hopefully ) be transferred to a CD. I didn't really hold out much hope for this, as the actual records were in a terrible state. One covered in mould! Dear Ewan, had sought out a company who had suitable High Tec equipment to do the job. This week I received the CD. This is my Dad singing "In the Good Old Days" with his singing partner Bert White... Dad sings and plays the piano. This is the April 1948 recording... strangely this must have been about the time I was conceived.
Ok at this point I tried to add music track... and couldnt ! Im writing this 2 hrs after starting Blog and It seems if you want to add just a music track you have to make a You Tube vid......
So you will have to wait to hear my moments of Joy.
PEACE... Well this has been such a hectic week. I will Blog soon about the toilet problems of Thurs/ Fri . But not now . Simply to say I'm looking forward to Sunday, Painting and resting...,
Peace for me midst this turmoil... I can cope with MND but its the Shit that goes with it that is soooooo hard. Nothing is straightforward and simple
.. but tomorrow, the anniversary date of my diagnosis will be peaceful
........ I so need space, and tomorrow I claim it for me
... Nikki Rose Woodman,
HAPPINESS. Today I was a real person. I held a tin for Samaritans outside Riggs Garden Centre. I did something helpful and purposeful. AND I met many friends too. Some didnt know about the MND... But I'm glad they do now and have seen me.
All this has made me sooooooo happy.After our duty. .....I went inside and bought a tree and some decorations. My grandchildren visit next weekend and I am so looking forward to tree decorating with them.
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