The issue of getting a car should be simple... It always used to be.. I had so much money, went to a dealer, did a test drive, and bought the best car for me.
Now suddenly, it has become a mine-field.. and I've spent the whole day in that b minefield!
Under the terms of Motability you appear to be able to get a car for very little money, ie just the transfer of your DLA money. Not so simple with MND.
There are two sorts of cars that would be suitable for me. . The first would be a car adapted with the necessary hoist for a wheelchair plus adaptations so that I drive with my hands. The second is a WAV.. a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle. The latter will/would allow me to drive for longer as you access the car via your chair, lock it in and use it as a driving seat.
Totally confused after days of looking at cars, I decided to go on a different tack. I rang the accessibility garage in Elland, (they had been the ones recommended as the one to do the adaptations). There I met Dave. He has been so helpful today. But as one solution is provided another issues raises its head. I had thought that the adaptations would all be part of the price.. To my surprise I learned today that these are extra. The non WAV costing between 3 and 4K extra. Dave then pointed out that a WAV would mean that I would be independent for longer ( good point), there is a nearly new vehicle , only 850m on the clock, which could have the adapt ions done completely for 8K. A Bargain..... compared to the new WAV vehicles which are 10+k.minimum!
So is it a simple choice.4k or 8k.....
Well no, it depends on if I can exit my home.. and how this is done. If the wall and lift system is used it will be 6mths before its in place , and this is expensive and is means tested... ie I will have to pay towards it..No benefits you see. If you have a benefit then you get all this completely free.. however if you have worked , have a reasonable pension, ( though not much) you have to pay!
So a WAV should be the best choice , which will mean I don't have to walk round the car to use a hoist to release the chair, BUT I will still need to walk from the chair to the outdoor chair lift ( if that is what is decided as it is a cheaper option) so what is the point in choosing a WAV.
The answer , of course is to move... So I might look around... the whole thing is fraught and I feel so anxious... I'm in the last few years of my life and having to make impossible decisions, all so interdependent.
I recognise this is a rant.... I'm trying to get rid of my frustrations... why can't having MND be simple! and cheap!! It simply isn't!!!
And in and amongst all this I'm so trying to get my exhibition together... anyone would breakdown... I'm determined not to... but it's bloody hard!
I hope that you were able to find a car that suits you, Nikki! Finding the right vehicle, especially in your condition, can be a little tough since you have to take in some considerations like budget and the comfort it can provide. My advice is to list down all your requirements and needs. It will help you narrow down the search and the choices. Best of luck! [Thomas Wright]