
Wednesday, 30 January 2013


So,.......... dentist visit this morning. Got up at 8:30 and had arranged for Laura to come early so that I could shower...

So dear Laura, arrived at 9:30... this was a big concession for her as it meant she didn't have a leisurely start and,in fact, had to take her partner to work early.... so thanks for being helpful Jess, and I hope the cuppa set you up for the day !
So yes, Laura arrived and pushed me into the shower.

 Showering is a major problem in my life! I hate to be unclean and love the fresh feeling following a shower.... but after an episode whereby I had GREAT difficulty transferring from electric chair to shower chair a few weeks ago, I decided that for peace of mind and indeed safety, I would no longer shower when alone in the house.....

 I do wash and dress myself but simply need the reassurance that someone would be there should I stumble.
At 10:00 Sarah, podiatrist arrived and changed the dressing on my toe. It is healing nicely... great. Sarah left with a promise to return next week to check toe and to give me a foot massage... wonderful !
I got dressed , had half a cup of coffee and set off to go to Tod for dental appointment.Got in Green Van... and to speed things up, got Laura to do my set belt.... Thought something was funny.... a beep beep beeping noise. Started engine, closed rear ramp and door.................
Well no, tried to close ramp and door............... it wouldn't.......... it didn't ............ I tried engine on......... engine off........... 
THAT B***** VAN/CAR/ THING !!!!!!
AGAIN !!!!!!!!!
So, for the second day running I had made a great effort ! And great effort it is too......... I feel really ill each morn.... not just tired but often ill.... stomach ache head ache... well general body ache.......... 
I do know that after breakfast, coffee a cigarette and my meds that in 45mins or so I will be Ok....... but until then I simply want to crawl back into bed and stay there. It takes great strength of character to do more than sit in wheelchair and feel very sorry for myself ......
So character much tested ........ I rang the dentists, who simply couldn't understand that the back door of my car wouldnt close and were even more mystified when I explained how I accessed the WAV, what a WAV was etc........ It was left that, on this occasion, I wont have to pay for late cancellation but in future .... ?????!!!!!! 
So no dentists ! Drank the now cold, other half of the cup of coffee. 
Rang the RAC.
This time Ian came ....... nice thorough man. Had to read the handbook..... found no fault ....... Why ? It seems the battery (new yesterday) had to reset itself ???? But it also had turned off the airbags ????? 
Don't ask me..... I'm only the driver who wants safety and reliability ! BUT he did suggest we went for a drive ........... So once again, in pouring rain and heavy windy blusters  I went out. 
All was well.
Watch this space. I need to go out tomorrow....... the most important appointment .... It's nails day !
And if they don't get done , well ,all I can ask, is that you send me a hug via the nearest funny farm !!

(And just to add to the stress.. whilst writing this the settings went funny.... so if this is odd, it's really not me it's the computer !!! Bad workman I hear you say !!! LOL!!!!)


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