
Friday, 18 January 2013


Once upon a time there was princess, her name was Princess Nikki Rose.
Sadly this Princess had a terrible disease. It was called motor Neurone Disease. Because of this terrible disease, she didn't naturally move in her bed at night. This caused her terrible pain in her hips.

About a month ago this became , not a trivial issue, but a major issue as she was awakened each night with this terrible pain in her hips. She managed to turn herself, but was then wide awake and in such , such pain !

The princess decided to talk to the amazing helpers OT Bethan and Physio Michaela... ideas were put to the Princess...

Firstly, she could have a lever which would help her rotate. She had one inserted into her bed. This helped with the movement into the bed... She no longer had the indignity of rolling, commando style, to get into the bed.

But then there was a problem the Princess couldnt turn over. SOOOO She had another lever inserted. This helped, as she could just about use it, to help turning over and turning off the bedside light. (The light was difficult though, she couldn't (can't )put it on herself. So visitors were asked to turn it on if they arrived early evening. On the rest of the days she managed with a torch. This was a precious magic torch, formally used for Glastonbury Festivals. She managed/ manages.

But for the last few weeks she had been waking about 4:00 am in terrible pain, needing to turn. Even when she tuned with the levers she was left in pain.

Having talked to the Empresses Michaela and Bethan , she was given a choice. A hospital bed with a mattress powered by electricity... but which would make a humming noise all night. OR a simple topper for her bed.

Whilst the Princess knew that eventually she would have a hospital bed, with its attendant noise, she didn't feel it was necessary at this time and would rather a simple solution.

So Men arrived yesterday bearing a Topper mattress. They lodged it on her bed and it added over 2" to the height. Then the bed looked very high. Just like the former bed of her Princess friend who had had a high a mattress with a pea placed underneath...

But our Princess , Nikki Rose, had no Pea placed underneath.

AND for the very first time for weeks  our Princess was able to sleep for 8 hours ! True she woke at 4:00am to turn, and was slightly uncomfortable, but she experienced no real pain, and was able to turn and then immediately sleep once more.

In all the Princess slept for 8 hours. Eight hours !! She woke refreshed and had such a happy, happy day. 

I wish it could end , And She lived Happily Ever After... but with MND, that simply doesn't happen.... even in Fairy Tales....


1 comment:

  1. You have such a way with words. I like tales with a happy ending which this has. By the way have you got a "touch" lamp at your bedside?
