
Thursday, 17 May 2012


Today I have been in w.chair to rest as much as possible for an outing. I greeted Tesco-man, then showered then man with new phone , then man with another package.. all these on-line visits blur!! Also contacted Innvacare and OT,re possibilities of driving into wet room with chair... Silly me an outdoor/ indoor chair must be able to go out in rain!!! thus it is ok to do drive into bathroom.. Sorted! Yey! Also did tests for myself on door widths with my chair at the moment, and allowing for extra width of new chair... seems a 33" door will be Ok. 
Pat and Steph arrived and we had cuppa then champagne, and decided on a taxi to Hebden.  Why? well much wine ensued!!!
Taxi to Hebden then a great meal at Moyles.. thank you.

Tomorrow I have finance man from Calderdale visiting, then on to wheel chair assessment, then Richard re Bungalow,... then a relaxing evening.... plus many other calls in between...

MND is so tiring. I should be saving my energy for lovely things... but it's just not possible at the moment. I feel that if I'm not pro-active things will take too long to be in place... thank you to friends who now help me out of my home  ie up the steps...... I couldn't do without you.

You know with MND, almost every day is like a Hard Days Night... but we keep going... HUGS x


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