
Sunday, 21 October 2012


I haven't slept since Monday night when Meggie started to be very unwell.

My dear (ex) , neighbours , Rebecca, Tom and Iris brought round Pizza for dinner tonight.. I had  tried to make a salad. But the chopping was exhausting me. Ginny arrived whilst I was preparing it and took over.. Thankyou...  and for the flowers...

Sod it!!!!    Even making a salad was shattering. I knew I needed to eat, have had only carbs:... toast, bread and butter, some soup since Mon...  easy stuff, but not good for a diabetic with MND....

So we sat down to eat. I had a few bits of Pizza and started to feel odd.

I knew I had to lie down.

Soooooo sorry Palmers..

I went to bed, they sorted the kitchen whilst I slept till 10 ish . I sent txt to say I was going to get into PJ's and get to bed....

... but as you can see, Im not in bed, Im here... the exhaustion diminished for a while, I find I can't get to bed, feel so desolate... the pain and grief I feel after Meggies Death is unbelievably hard to cope with.

My friends have been so supportive, nearly 30 Facebook messages, many txts, phone calls, and visits... I couldn't manage without your dear kind messages and your support..........

But at at the end, when I do go to bed, I'm alone... there is no Meggie on my bed, there is no Meggie to talk to, there is no Meggie wittering for her tuna, there is not Meggie nudging me when she needs more scratches on her head,............ there is no Meggie.


1 comment:

  1. Oh, Nikki! I wish you were near me so that I could give you a big hug to commiserate and sympathise. I wish I could send Molly to cheer you up- she is very sweet. I wish you could have another cat. I wish you didn't have MND. I wish ............. and why is it that we don't just have MND to contend with but loads of other s**t as well? Do please take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
