Empathy.. consideration... How can we ever know how to walk in another's shoes? Quite simply , we can't! I can imagine how a person who grieves for the loss of a pet feels...... I've done that myself... my beloved beagle Mina... but how am I to know exactly how that person feels? I can't. I know what I felt, but this won't be exactly the same.. We all experience events differently.
My daughter, Eleanor, died 31 yrs ago. I think of her each day. Some people, in this tragic situation, will have lived through it, not forgotten, but it won't be a big part of their life, as it still is of mine. Am I odd? No. Would another response be odd?..... No...... Just different.
We all have differing responses to events. Some of us ( like me !) always need an injection for a filling... others simply wouldn't even consider it! We are all separate beings. Each persons response is valid.
Sometimes, this is hard to acknowledge. Ok I've got MND, but this makes my problem no more or less than the problems of others. There is no greater magnitude.. a problem , a worry, is just that to an individual.
How do we get through this with grace? I feel the Dickens quote: "Do as thy would be done by", applies here. Lets us all be kind, considerate, and caring towards each-other. It will make for a better, more understanding, considerate world.
We can't possibly walk in the shoes of each person we meet , or hear about. But we can all try to accept that feelings of despair are valid, no matter why they are produced.
Hear Hear x