
Tuesday, 20 March 2012


As I write this (because all women can multi task..(.( I used to be able to multi-multi task)).. like many of you do now)... I'm watching Horizon on BBC2, it's fascinating all about fat genes.. The research is fascinating.. maybe it's not all my fault that I'm over-weight!
Had a phone interview with Jo, who is producing an booklet for professionals to deal with the subject of death with people with MND. Apparently booklets on Breathing Issues and  Dementia have already been produced. She was interested in my views and will use some info as quotes, but I will be able to approve inclusion. I shall be invited to the launch in July which is to be held at the House of Commons. 
I've only been there as a guest once before and have very good memories of delicious chocolate cakes! Will I ever be thin!!!!
This morning was spent trying to sort out the weight and size of wheelchairs provided by Calderdale... to help decide which car I need on Thursday. After innumerable phone calls, emails etc I still haven't the info I need.I bet you any money, that all phone calls will be returned tomorrow (despite my saying I need the info NOW, TODAY), as I'm out at Sheffield tomorrow. 
You have to be so , so strong to keep up with all this . Some comes a unexpected help, but if you try to "rock the boat" and go at your  pace, it seems  impossible to do.
Still, I am tenacious and won't be deterred by all this. I spend ages sitting on my computer and on the phone... as I said you have to be strong.And boy am I strong! and happy to keep knocking at doors! But then you think about the people who don't , do they get lost in the system or just accepting.?.. well I guess I now  just have to stand up for myself and ,actually, much as I would wish to think about others, think about my own preservation. 
To end this Blog tonight two things to report. Firstly I have had 3 good days of energy, and it feels LOVELY!. I guess you guessed, the end of last week was simply SHIT. ( Don't be offended, what other word is there). The second brilliant thing was that Chris Cooper, back from New Zealand came to visit. He appeared at his parents door (after 18mths away) , last Sunday... they did know he would be home by Easter, but didn't have a date... so how lovely it was for me to see him too... he is a great young man , and I,m flattered that he bothered to visit me so soon back in this country. I only wish I looked better. Today I'm in painting gear, splattered and generally needing a hair wash and tidying up! Yikes!!
But people value you for who you really are, never mind the weight, never-mind the clothes.. It's what's in us all that matters.


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