
Monday, 17 September 2012


At 4:37 am Andy rang, I had slept with telephones under my pillow. And the call was to say that baby Oliver William Patrick had arrived , weighing in at 7lb 9oz.
Apparently after A left at 10:00pm and C was, enjoying the gas and air. Andy got back to the hosp in time for the birth.

So pleased they are both well ,and all very happy.

I couldnt sleep afterthis excitment. Made tea and watched TV. On the news there was an article about children who may not feel it "cool" to read.. I thought of Tom, as thatis exactly what he is trying to dowith his writing... I went back to bed at6:45, and missed   Tom on TV! What a shame.

I had contacted the maternity unit prior to the birth and explained my situation. They said that there were two post natal wards. I would not be allowed to visit the upper story one in a wheel chair, as , though there is a lift, in case of fire I wouldn't be able to use and thus couldn't visit. Therefore C needed to be on ground floor ward. Well the full importance of this didn't get through and C was on the upper ward. So I couldn't visit my grandson on his first day here.

New plans made and Steve Coop to take me down on Sat 8th. 

I had a good but excited sleep.


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