
Wednesday, 19 September 2012


First thing I noticed as I got out of bed was that the connector was in for the arm of the w.chair but the other connector had come loose... so chair not charged !! RATS!!!
My  first call was to Pete at w.chair services re the rules on carrying w.chairs in Taxis.. he said to get in touch with licencing at Calderdale. And as the chair hadn't charged and as I had no Taxi , we postponed our road test till next Friday.

I rang Calderdale. I spoke to licencing and they put me through to the legal dept. It is not the case that you cant carry a motorised wheelchair. Did I wish to complain. I thought it fair to re contact Station taxis and get them to clarify. As I thought, they backed down and said that it was the case they they didn't have a suitable taxi.

I rang all the taxis in the HB Tod area. It turns out that only one firm, Valley, have a suitable taxi... and that one comes from Bradford. I booked for next Friday ( hope I don't pay for it to come from Bradford!!!).

At 10:00 Karen and Chris arrived to help me to walk with Zimmer. Fran arrived and I asked her start clearing the kitchen.After a short romp(!!) to the bedroom and back, I worked with Fran to do all the clearing up jobs.

At11:20 ish we stopped for a snack. We had a discussion re the role of cares and my needs. Often carers work with elderly, and they need social contact, but those are not my needs. I feel there is more to be discussed here.

At 4:30 Bethan, OT, came .... I asked for update on rise and recline chair, (her response that she will check), and also  help to raise chair in studio. I thought plastic cups were provided, but apparently its more technical than this! We discussed my transfer from w. chair to shower chair... still not got a good system. Some days seems to work better than others. It all depends on the start position of the chair and the space around it , which doors are open, which closed etc etc.. Showering is not an option, its a necessity...and I still haven't cracked a system. 


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