
Tuesday, 25 September 2012


I had two calls from MNDA and Motability, re Car. Motability are now checking (!!!) on how I have been dealt with,  re unusable car!! MNDA woman , Carol, continues to be a terrier on my behalf, and seems to be getting results. 
Most people are horrified at how I have been treated. I wish now I had complained earlier instead of trying to manage on my own. But there is a certain pride in managing your own life, especially when you have always done so. 
I also have the feeling that though I have MND, I'm still me, still have the brain I always have had, and should manage. So thus battled on. 
But the help I eventually sought has be wonderful and I am so grateful, just want to be able to get out , to be free. 
The last 6 weeks have been just a waste of my life re car and infuriating not getting responses.... but now I am . 
So here's to help when you need it, and I should not have been to proud to ask... but I hope you understand why I didn't!

My other positive was that I met up with Laura, who makes me laugh, and who is to be my new cleaner. I can't wait for Wed when she starts.


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